The Evangeline Maid Stickered Dollar is somewhat unique in that the company used a stamp sheet for their sticker. I cannot right now recall any other stickered dollars containing a stamp. This fact alone makes the coin desirable. As well I have only seen a couple of these dollars available for sale. The sticker reads “Your Evangeline Maid Payroll in Action”. It is too bad this sticker does not contain the iconic Evangeline Maid which is located on every loaf of Evangeline Maid bread.
The Evangeline Maid Bakery was founded in 1919, and still exists today in Lafayette Parish Louisiana. Evangeline Maid is now owned by Flowers Food, but the brand still exists today. This coin was most likely created in the 1950s as a way to show residents how much money the bakery brought into the community.
Evangeline Maid Bread Payroll Dollar circa 1950s
Overall Rating for the Evangeline Maid Stickered Peace Dollar
Note that prices can very based on condition of coin, condition of the sticker, and rarity of sticker.
Rarity is based on how often coins show up in auctions, coin shows, and number of stickered coins created.
The gold sticker on this Peace Dollar reads “Fort Findlay Sesquicentennial Findlay – Hancock County, Ohio” with 1812- 1962 under the image of the fort. The gold sticker is in good condition. The reflective sticker caught the light while scanning and resulted in a blurry image. When viewed in person the image is quite nice and only has one small wear mark on the ‘F’ in the word Findlay. While I am sure others exists this is the only coin I have seen with this sticker.
In 1962 the town of Findlay Ohio celebrated its Sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary. The town of Findlay was named after Forth Findlay which was established during the war of 1812 by Colonel James Findlay. The original Fort is gone and now the site is marked by a sign giving the history. These coins were produced to mark that event. Given the current size of Findlay I would think that at the most only a few hundred of these coins would have been created.
Sticker to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Fort Findlay in Hancock County, Ohio.
Overall Rating for Fort Findlay Sesquicentennial Stickered Dollar
Note that prices can very based on condition of coin, condition of the sticker, and rarity of sticker.
Rarity is based on how often coins show up in auctions, coin shows, and number of stickered coins created.
These coins pop up in coin shows and auctions from time to time. The fun and unique boot sticker bumps up the premium on this coin. While not extremely rare this is a coin that collectors really want to have in their collection. The coin and sticker below are in extremely good condition with no wear marks on the sticker.
This stickered Peace Dollar is from the Dude Ranch, which was located in Atlantic City during the 1940’s and 1950’s. It was located on the corner of Boardwalk and Connecticut Avenue. The Dude Ranch contained a very large dance floor and bar that they advertised as the largest. They also served food, but primarily were a bar with a large dance floor. The Dude Ranch was themed in a country western style. This coin was most likely created as a souvenir during the late 1950s.
The Atlantic City Dude Ranch Silver Dollar Sticker
Overall Rating for Atlantic City Dude Ranch Stickered Dollar
Note that prices can very based on condition of coin, condition of the sticker, and rarity of sticker.
Rarity is based on how often coins show up in auctions, coin shows, and number of stickered coins created.
These stickered dollars are one of the most common dollars that can be found. The sticker contains the common banner with the words “Souvenir of Calico Ghost Town”. This is a coin that most every stickered dollar collector will have in their collection. When purchasing this coin make sure the sticker is in excellent condition.
During the late 1880s the town of Calico was surrounded by more than 500 silver mines and produced over $20 million in silver ore. Town was abandoned after the price of silver plummeted and Calico became a ghost town. During the 1950s the deserted town was purchased and restored by Walter Knott. Calico Ghost town is still open and is located in California.
These stickered dollars were sold in the gift shop as a souvenir.
Peace Dollar with Souvenir Of Calico Ghost Town Sticker.
Overall Rating for Calico Ghost Town Peace Dollar
Note that prices can very based on condition of coin, condition of the sticker, and rarity of sticker.
Rarity is based on how often coins show up in auctions, coin shows, and number of stickered coins created.
This coin is one of the top ones in my collection and I got it for a steal of a price. The dealer wanted $40 for it and I was not sure because the sticker was so small and did not have a unique image on it. I almost did not buy it. I had walked out of the coin show to leave and I had only purchased one coin. We had been there for a very long time and as we walked out my 3 sons were talking about what they had picked up, and on a whim I decided to head back in and buy it. I am glad I did. This documented history on this coin is really great.
The coin was sealed in a cardboard coin holder that was quite old. When I got it home to move it to an airtight holder I was sick to my stomach when the sticker about popped off the coin. Come to find out there were two stickers with the one on the bottom firmly attached, and in excellent condition. I can just imagine one of the people in the 1950s putting stickers on coins when they realized they had zoned out and accidentally skipped one of the coins. That being the case they carefully stuck one sticker on top of another so their counts would come out right! Anyway I am pleased to own this little piece of American military history. 169th Fighter Squadron Payday Silver Dollar History:
This dollar was a dollar paid to Air National Gard members in Peoria Illinois. The Air National Gard was new and the town folk were not sure they wanted all the young GIs running around their town. There was a banker that was a member of the 169th and he suggested that all the GIs get paid in silver dollars with gold stickers on them. That way the people would know that there was a lot of new money entering the community. There were a total of 55k coins made. I think the number left are in the 100s.
Please read here if you want some more information: link
Here is a large Quote from the link above:
To show the community the economic impact of the IL ANG(Air National Gard), years ago personnel were paid with marked dollars. Tell about that study and the result.
When the unit was formed in 1947, the airport was owned by the Peoria Park District and the operating budget for the airport was very small. There was no airport authority as we know it today. The hierarchy of airport leadership at that time did not really have a good appreciation of the Air National Guard or what a unit could do for the community economically. After all, this new entity – the United States Air Force – was just beginning and people were unaware of what it was all about.
One of the founders of the unit was Art Szold, a man well known throughout the Peoria area and a person who has been very active in helping make Peoria better. Art was the commander and he and the others worked hard to increase membership to have the unit federally recognized.
In 1950 Art felt strongly that he needed to do something to make the community aware of the guard and what the economic impact was on the community. One of the members was a banker and suggested one was to improve the community’s awareness of the guard’s impact was to pay unit members with silver dollars – and circulate them throughout the community.
Then people would see silver dollars being passed around and ask where they came from and why. The trick, however, was to mark these silver dollars so that people knew these were new dollars coming into the community from the federal government to meet the payroll for the guard unit.
Art contacted Fleming and Potter and they donated a supply of small gold strips that could be temporarily affixed to the coins. They marked about 55,000 silver dollars with the gold strip. They actually brought a truck to the base with a teller cage mounted on the trailer. They dispersed the payroll that month in silver dollars from the back of the truck.
Art’s only direction to the ANG members was to circulate the money – not necessarily spend it, but circulate it in the community the next weekend.
The following week there were silver dollars floating everywhere around town. The questions began and the community interest was great.
Just months after Art did this, it became evident there was a mine subsidence problem at the airport. Coal mines had been dug along the bluff area of Bartonville, and mining operations took place under some areas of the airport. There actually was some subsidence where concrete was settling and caving in on airport property.
This caused a great deal of concern to the National Guard Bureau in Washington D.C. and the unit was told that they would have to make arrangements somehow to get the airport directorship to fix that problem or the unit would have to be relocated to Rockford or Moline.
Because of this silver dollar experiment – and because members of the community saw the impact from the circulation of those dollars – the Association of Commerce supported and, in fact, funded a referendum which provided for the formation of the Greater Peoria Airport Authority. That entity still exists today, of course, and has done an outstanding job in improving and making sure Peoria has a viable airport.
As a result of the formation of the airport authority, the mine subsidence issue was taken care of and life goes on for the Air National Guard in Peoria. If that same silver dollar payout could be made now, we’d find ourselves dispersing, after taxes, neatly 1.2 million silver dollars per month.
We owe much to the founders of the organization, who had the foresight to win over and make the community realize how important this Air National Guard unit could be to the future of Peoria.
Overall Rating for 169th Fighter Squadron Dollar
Note that prices can very based on condition of coin, condition of the sticker, and rarity of sticker.
Rarity is based on how often coins show up in auctions, coin shows, and number of stickered coins created.
The Top Hat sticker dollar is quite rare and is believed to be a casino slot machine payout dollar. This is the only one that I know of, but I am sure there are more out there.
Note:If you have any more history of these coins or a story about these coin please leave a comment.
Top Hat Casino Payout Silver Peace Dollar
Overall Rating for Red Top Hat Stickered Dollars
Note that prices can very based on condition of coin, condition of the sticker, and rarity of sticker.
Rarity is based on how often coins show up in auctions, coin shows, and number of stickered coins created.
Note: This is a good example of a coin being rare, but the price not following. The lack of history with this coin hurts its value. This coin at auction could fetch a very large premium if the right bidders were involved. What is interesting about the sticker is that it is quite sticky, which I believe lends to its rarity. I believe most of these stickers were taken off and the coin cleaned because of how the sticker aged. This coin is sealed in an air tight holder which will keep this sticker permanently intact.
This stickered coin looks to be a slot machine payout coin for an unknown Casino. The image is either of a burst or flower pattern and has 8 petals. Judging by the sticker it looks to be from the 1950s or early 1960s.
This coin is in great condition and the sticker is completely intact. I own several of these and have seen a few show up on ebay. By far this stickered coin is in the best condition I have seen. Most of the coins I have seen have heavily warn stickers and coins from years of passing through slot machines.
Only a small percentage of stickered coins use a transparent sticker, which is one of the things that make this coin unique and highly collectible.
Most likely a casino slot machine coin.
Blue 8 Petaled Flower Sticker on back of Peace Dollar
Overall Rating for Slot Machine Stickered Dollar
Note that prices can very based on condition of coin, condition of the sticker, and rarity of sticker.
Rarity is based on how often coins show up in auctions, coin shows, and number of stickered coins created.
I have not been able to uncover the exact origin of this sticker. There are several Paradise Lounges around the country. I see that there was a Paradise Lounge in Durham N.C. back in the 1950s, but I do not know if the two are related. If you have any information or ideas on where this coin originated I would love to know. Please leave a comment.
Sticker from Paradise Lounge on a Silver Peace Dollar
Overall Rating for Paradise Lounge Stickered Dollars
Note that prices can very based on condition of coin, condition of the sticker, and rarity of sticker.
Rarity is based on how often coins show up in auctions, coin shows, and number of stickered coins created.